CCMC’s Charitable Healthcare Clinic provides medical, dental, pharmacy, and vision services to those in our community who are uninsured or under-insured. Volunteer healthcare professionals - doctors, nurses, pharmacists, pharmacy techs, dentists, dental hygienists, and optometrists - care for our patients. These volunteer healthcare professionals are protected from civil suits in accordance with the “Volunteer Licensed Healthcare Professional Immunity Act.” Patients who need additional services or specialists not available in our clinics are referred by CCMC to other local healthcare providers. All clinic services are by appointment only. We cannot accommodate walk-ins.
How to become a CCMC Patient
Individuals must be registered as a CCMC patient (click here to download the CCMC Patient Application). Applicants must meet income qualifications and be uninsured in order to receive our charitable clinic healthcare. Prospective patients are required to complete the application, provide required documents, and schedule an interview appointment with our Volunteer Patient Admission Registrar.
Ongoing patients are required to renew their applications annually.
Call 501-318-1153 x305 to set up an interview appointment with our Patient Admissions Registrar. There is a $5 Patient Registration fee. Once CCMC patients are established, their visits and pharmacy fees are based on a sliding scale, depending on income. Patients who are no-shows are also charged a fee for missed appointments. Once approved, a Patient Identification card will be issued, or re-issued for renewing patients. Twenty-four hours after being approved, patients may call for clinic appointments.
Please note that we do not accept those individuals with access to affordable medical insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, or veteran’s benefits as CCMC patients. Our Certified Enrollment Specialist can provide assistance to apply for these insurance programs.