A recent Community Health Needs Assessment conducted by Levi Hospital has identified poverty as the number one health need issue in our community. In addressing this priority, CCMC has been recognized as an effective community organization because of our programs that disrupt poverty. The top strategy identified in this study is to educate the community about the impact of poverty and how it affects the overall health of the community (https://www.levihospital.com/community-health)
Through our Bridge to Hope training workshops, various sectors of our community are engaged to educate, raise awareness, and develop actionable strategies to implement greater stability for all. These workshops can be configured to accommodate the focus and interest of various groups, such a business, congregation, school, association, or club.
Workshops rare four hours long. Bridge to Hope training workshops examine the complex issues of poverty and how it is perpetuated, explore the barriers and challenges faced by those in poverty, and then present resources and services available so that participants leave with an idea of what they, as individuals or organizations, can do to disrupt poverty.
Topics discussed in the workshop include:
Bridge to Hope alumni also receive regular updates and information to strengthen our collaborative work of improving our community and making it more sustainable. For more information about Bridge to Hope workshops, contact Sallie Culbreth, sculbreth@ccmchs.org or call 501-318-1153 x 222.
New CCMC program that is currently in development
to continue our efforts to disrupt poverty: